Alphabet Street

Travel & Hospitality A-Z
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We had a lot of fun putting our 2022 travel and hospitality A-Z together. My IHM editorial colleagues Paul, Eloise and I were in agreement about what we should cover for many of the letters of the alphabet, but there was some debate about others.

The list forced me personally to look at some areas that had been floating at the edge of my consciousness, but which I hadn’t given any mental bandwidth – NFTs being a prime example!

Until fairly recently I had never heard the word ‘fungible’, so a non-fungible token was something of a mystery to me. But they are very rapidly becoming a mainstream marketing offer, and when the likes of Marriott and Ascott get involved, you have to sit up and take notice. The potential of blockchains to cut out intermediaries in sales and booking processes also has huge implications for hospitality and travel.

I hope the article provides you with some food for thought, and if you think we have missed anything important from the list, drop me a line at and let me know.

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