Keep calm and carry on

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The future status of EU workers in the hospitality sector is a major issue, as is the outlook on free travel between the UK and EU member states. But the reaction from figures in the serviced apartment industry, both in the UK and Europe, has been characterised by pragmatism, calm, and a determination to ensure that businesses remain robust and address all the challenges and opportunities that Brexit presents head-on.

On the subject of opportunities, look out for imminent news about the Serviced Apartment Awards 2017. The inaugural awards were a big success, and work is well underway to ensure that the 2017 awards are even better. We have already recruited many of the judges for 2017 – the panel is a stellar one and includes some new faces, with more to come.

And my colleague Jennifer Cass has just returned from Washington DC where she attended a conference dedicated to awards schemes and how to make them as good as we possibly can.

We’ll be sending out a communication about the awards this week. Look out for it and we hope to see your company on the list of entries for the 2017 awards.

Be in the know.

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