Hull serviced apartments get the green light

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UK: A developer has won a long battle to develop Hull’s Cornmill Hotel into 17 serviced apartments.

Townglow Ltd had put in revised plans last May after its initial plan was rejected by the council.

There were some concerns over parking and congestion in the original plans, as well as disturbance to local residents, but the planning inspector noted on the approval “… I conclude that the proposed development would not have a harmful effect on highway safety or residential amenity with regard to parking provision.” 

The new scheme features a five story extension to the existing property with undercroft parking spaces and changes to the lay-out of the existing hotel car park. There will be 62 spaces for the new extension, the hotel and the Osteria Italian Restaurant, which is part of the complex.

Part of the hotel dates back to 1838 when it was originally built as an engine house for an adjoining corn mill which is now demolished. The current owners took it over after the property had been empty for five years, subsequently carrying out an extensive refurbishment and opening the restaurant at the site.

In July last year MyPad Serviced and Iguana Developments teamed up to offer serviced apartments to local Hull workers at the Glass House.

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