Birkenhead listed building set for aparthotel conversion

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UK: A change of use application to enable the conversion a grade I-listed building in Birkenhead into an aparthotel has been submitted.

The property at 53-55 Hamilton Square. The wider terrace of 51-57 Hamilton Square was built as homes in 1825 by James Gillespie Graham and formed part of a classical formal plan designed by John Laird. The application proposed converting all three properties from offices to an aparthotel, which would involve “no material alterations” to the external fabric of the building. A host of internal changes are proposed.

The layout has been designed to maintain the integrity of the original structure as far as possible, while providing a logical and functional layout. The conversion would provide 28 apartments with a centrally located reception at ground floor level and a laundry and service room within the basement.

Each apartment would be self-contained with a kitchen and bathroom, with the plans also incorporating the existing car park to the rear of the premises. This would be for the exclusive use of residents. The venue would employ two full-time management staff and four part-time maintenance/cleaning staff.

A planning statement submitted to the authority by planning consultant Stephen Lamb said: “The proposal will provide an economic benefit by sustaining local employment with an efficient use of a partly vacant building without having to provide new infrastructure. The resulting tourist accommodation will help support the local market and provide ongoing economic benefit to Birkenhead.”

The applicant submitted a pre-application enquiry, with Wirral Council noting that it was supportive of the change of use.</p

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