Church group to convert a former Shropshire pub into apartments

Church group Shropshire
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UK: Church group the Free Believers in Christ Fellowship has received consent from Shropshire Council to transform the former Highgate pub in Whitchurch into serviced accommodation.

The project will see the former Highgate pub transformed into 11 serviced apartments complete with en-suite bathrooms. A coffee shop, dining room and private room will be available to the general public and used for small conferences and events.

Originally built in the 1930s, The Highgate operated as a pub until 1996 before local removals business Denmans used the site as its base. O-RU Architects will lead the conversion.

In a previous plan, the addition of 17 parking spaces were initially rejected on highway safety grounds. This has been updated to include 36 car parking spaces.  

Council planning officer Richard Denison said: “The proposed hotel would lend to the economic dimension of sustainability by generating additional income locally, through the increased spending of visitors on goods, services, businesses, and attractions in the area, and providing new employment opportunities.

“The principle therefore for conversion would be considered acceptable. The proposed community hall, kitchen and bedroom extensions in relation to layout, scale and appearance would not be out of character with the existing building or impact on residential amenity.”

The Free Believers in Christ Fellowship is a Philippines-based Christian church group which currently has 13 bases across England.

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