Aparthotel planned for Edinburgh listed building

Edinburgh aparthotel
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UK: Plans have been lodged to transform the C-listed former W&R Chambers building in Edinburgh in to an aparthotel.

A statement by Iceni Projects and O’Donnell Brown for HUBCAP, Thistle Propco Investment Ltd, also seeks permission for “internal and external alterations” of the former publishing company’s premises.

“This project will convert the existing warehouse building providing rooms with supporting services and facilities,” it said.

“The proposal is for the change of use at a site at 11-15 Thistle Street. It will create a high-quality apart-hotel development that benefits from the site’s highly accessible location and ensures the site has a viable and vibrant future.

“The proposed development represents a sensitive and appropriate addition to the area and will have a positive impact on the character of both the World Heritage Site, New Town Conservation Area and the listed building. It will introduce a high-quality design that takes reference form the site’s past while sitting comfortably within its surroundings and wider historic townscape context.”

The current building was built in the first half of the 19th century as a printing works and warehouse for Edinburgh entrepreneurs William and Robert Chambers – the creators of the Chambers Encyclopaedia and Dictionary. The brothers set up W&R Chambers in 1832. The building was category C-listed in 1996 as an example of Edinburgh New Town’s warehouse typology.


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