Glasgow serviced apartments get the go ahead

Reading Time: 2 minutes

UK: Glasgow councillors have been recommended to approve plans to demolish a former pub in the city centre to build 18 serviced apartments.

Property developer Big Top Productions intends to demolish the building on the Ropework Lane site, which previously traded as Anne Millers, in order to build the new project.

It plans to invest £3 million in the development, which will also feature a rooftop terrace, parking spaces for cyclists and two penthouses.

A planning statement from Big Top says: “The existing building has been derelict for some time since the pub closed therefore it has fallen into disrepair having a negative impact on townscape. A new development of this nature will improve Ropework Lane by creating a more welcoming environment whilst at the same time provide a robust building that is easily adaptable for future generations and uses. This is a contemporary piece of architecture that responds to its historic context and will make a positive contribution to Ropework Lane and the wider context of Glasgow.”

Council planners said: “The applicant has suitably demonstrated the poor condition of the existing building and its removal can therefore be supported. The proposed replacement building is considered to be appropriate in scale, design and use of high quality materials and will make a successful contribution to its conservation area setting and the council’s placemaking objectives.”

“The proposed short-stay serviced apartment use is wholly compatible with the city centre location and its management can be safeguarded though a suitably worded management plan. Other material considerations including representation have been considered, however these do not outweigh the proposal’s accordance with the Development Plan,” they added.

Councillors on Glasgow’s planning applications committee are due to consider the proposal on Tuesday May 18.

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