Hospitality businesses will be “among the last” to exit UK lockdown says government minister

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UK: Michael Gove, the UK’s minister for the cabinet office has said that hospitality businesses will be “among the last” to exit the country’s current restrictions.

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show this morning, Gove denied newspaper reports which claimed that UK schools would reopen on May 11. He was then asked by Marr: “What about hotels, pubs and restaurants – are we going to see them reopening before the winter?”

Gove responded: “We want to make sure that we make a balanced judgement about which restrictions can be relaxed at what time. Areas of hospitality will be among the last to exit lockdown – that is true. It’s important to stress that we want to get on top of the virus – we also want to ensure that the economic life of the nation and the social life of the nation can return over time.”

Gove also gave a glimpse in to how everyday life will be different in the immediate aftermath of lockdown restrictions, and although he didn’t mention hospitality, it is clear to see the relevance of his comments to the sector: “Even as some restrictions are lifted, the way in which our schools, the way in which our shops and factories operate will change, as a result of what we know about this virus and what we know about social distancing. Of course we want to make sure that the best scientific advice guides us as we take an approach to easing these restrictions in the right way with appropriate safeguards.”</p

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