Hull hotel seeks serviced apartment extension

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UK: Plans have been lodged for a serviced apartment extension to the Cornmill Hotel in Hull.

Townglow Ltd, supported by Maria Ferguson Planning, has submitted an application to Hull City Council for the extension to the hotel building, which is locally listed. The property dates to 1838 and was originally an engine house for the adjoining Holderness Corn Mill, which has since been demolished.

After the mill closed the building was vacant for a period before it was converted to a hotel. This was closed in 2007.

In 2012 the property was put on the market and it was acquired by the applicant, who brought the building back into use as a hotel and Italian restaurant.

Planning permission is sought for a five-storey extension to the existing hotel to provide 19 serviced apartments and ancillary facilities.

The land covered by the application is currently in use as incidental open space, external seating and car parking.

A statement accompanying the plans said: “The application site is located in an area where tourism uses may be supported. In addition, the proposed development has a significant economic benefit both in terms of improving the accommodation available to visitors to Hull, as well as creating employment. Employment will not only be created during the operational phase, but the construction phase will also bring about economic benefits.”


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