Plans for 37-storey tower in Birmingham recommended for approval

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UK: Located at 210-211 Broad Street, the construction will house 264 serviced apartments to be operated by a hotel brand.

In July 2019, Taylor Grange Developments submitted a £58 million bid to Birmingham City Council. The planning committee is set to make a final decision at a meeting next week.

Proposals include a restaurant, bar, café and gym.

Glancy Nicholls Architects have drawn up the plans for the project, which cover 176,678 square feet of internal floor space.

The land is currently occupied by the vacant Transport House – the former base of the TGWY trade union – as well as 117-118 Tennant Street.

In a document published ahead of the council meeting, it stated: “The location of the development is suitable for a tall building and the proposed super slender tower would contribute to a cluster of building of well-designed tall buildings that would enhance the Westside quarter of the city centre and raise the quality of this section of Broad Street.”

“Moreover, the public benefits of the scheme outweigh any ‘less than substantial harm’ to heritage assets.”

“Whilst I note the concerns of Moda and Cumberland House, I consider that the supporting technical studies are robust and that the proposed development would not have such significant adverse impacts to justify refusal.”

“On balance, I therefore consider that the application is acceptable subject to safeguarding conditions.”</p

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