Sabre resubmits planning for Southampton aparthotel

Sabre Southampton aparthotel
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UK: Sabre Commercial Investments Ltd has resubmitted plans for an aparthotel on Winchester Road in Southampton after its proposal had been rejected for the second time.

Earlier this year, Southampton City Council objected to plans submitted by Sabre Commercial Investments for a 26-key aparthotel opposite the Hollybrook roundabout in Southampton.

Plans were refused for the following reasons: “The proposed development by reason of its height, mass, and bulk would have an overbearing and unduly dominant impact on existing residential amenity when viewed from Nirvana Place, leading to an overbearing sense of enclosure and unacceptable level of shade cast over the rear garden. The proposal would therefore harm the residential amenity of the neighbouring occupiers, and demonstrates symptoms of an overdeveloped site.”

Sabre has since revised its plans, adding an additional car parking space and reducing the number of serviced rooms by six, as well as removing the second floor of the northern building.

The latest application read: “The amended proposals are believed to have addressed all previous reasons for refusal through a significant reduction in the scale, height and massing of the proposed building together with a further reduction in the number of serviced rooms from 26 to 20 and an increase in the number of parking spaces within the site from nine to 10. The reduction in serviced rooms will further reduce any potential impact on the surrounding area.”

Existing offices would be demolished and replaced with a three-storey building if plans are approved.

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