South Wales serviced apartments recommended for planning approval

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UK: Plans for a multimillion-pound mixed-use project in Llanelli featuring serviced apartments, retail and office accommodation alongside bar and restaurant space have been recommended for approval.

An application submitted by Asbri Planning on behalf of Cygnus Holdings (Llanelli) seeks permission to demolish numbers 8 to 16 Market Street, which are located to the eastern side of Llanelli town centre, between the St. Elli shopping centre and the more recent Eastgate leisure led development.

The demolition would pave the way for an arcade-style development either side of a central, partly covered walkway. The walkway will provide a direct link between the southern end of Market Street and the public realm area located between the application site and the Eastgate development.

Retail and F&B operators would be located on the ground floor, with offices and serviced apartments above.

The scheme, which is known as Y Linc and was drawn up by Darkin Architects, has been recommended for approval, subject to conditions, ahead of a Carmarthenshire Council planning meeting.

A report recommending approval cites the positive economic, regeneration and job creation benefits of the proposed development which are considered to be “significant material considerations”.

The proposed scheme, which is set to create at least 100 jobs, is said to have “transformative potential” for Llanelli town centre and involves the redevelopment of a brownfield site within a sustainable town centre location.

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