Western Australia serviced apartments given the green light

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Australia: Amended plans for an AUD$8 million seven-storey serviced apartment block in the Perth suburb of Nedlands have been given the green light by State planners.

Metro West Joint Development Assessment Panel members took four hours to approve the development, which was submitted by Urbanista Town Planning.

The project initially included 20 serviced apartments, eight residential dwellings and a café at 135 Broadway, but it had to be redesigned due to objections. The amended plans include the replacement of eight serviced apartment units with eight residential dwellings at the rear of the development, and relocation of the first-floor parking to the basement.

Overshadowing was minimised by nearly 88 per cent, with screening and landscaping added to the rear-facing apartment balconies to maintain visual privacy of adjoining homes.

Site owner Paul McGarry said: “What I have tried to do is maximise creation of a mixed use environment in a responsible and considered manner that provides appropriate transition to its neighbours.”

Presiding member Francesca Lefante said there were “no areas for refusal” with the modified plans. “The height is satisfactory, and the development has been attempted in a positive way to address aspects of where it sits in the planning framework. The proposal is acceptable and I appreciate it’s been difficult for parties.”</p

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