Roomzzz gets planning consent for Newcastle aparthotel

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UK: Roomzzz Aparthotels has been granted planning permission for a 74-unit property on Clavering Place in Newcastle city centre.

Permission was granted on the proviso that Roomzzz makes a contribution of £76,664 towards highway and public realm improvements in the area.

Work is set to begin later this year on the site which has been vacant since the 1970s.

A planning committee report said: “The proposal would result in the redevelopment of a brownfield site within the conservation area. The development provides an opportunity to significantly improve the quality of the area by developing this existing gap site which currently detracts from both the conservation area and the setting of the nearby listed buildings. The proposal would increase the number of hotel rooms within the city, therefore supporting tourism within the city. Given the sustainable location, the site is also readily accessible by bus, train and metro. The impacts of the development upon the amenity of neighbouring residents have been considered and in the site city centre location the impact are considered acceptable. Other matters can be adequate covered by way of conditions and a legal agreement to deliver a sustainable form of development.”</p

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